Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Feminists are pissed at PETA

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ) has gotten women showering together in public, making love to vegetables, in cages and appearing naked all over the place. As a red blooded male, I just love to watch some hot girl-on-girl action, but I do understand what the feminists are talking about. The billboard seen below is what set the feminists off.

Calling women who are overweight "whales" and inferring that their bodies are like blubber, is fat hatred. In response, the Portland Feminist Action League decided to organized a "flash protest." Where you ask? At Ingrid Newkirk's (fearless leader of PETA) book signing held at Powell's Book Store. As Newkirk prepared to speak at the store on Tuesday, August 18, a dozen Portland feminists were crouched on the sidewalk a block away, drawing up large protest signs, with messages like "Stop fat-shaming women," "Stop disrespecting women," and "Cut it out with your mistreatment of women." Newkirk says that shaming fat women would be a good thing because it would wake them up to vegetarianism and veganism. No joke. One feminist spoke to Newkirk: "I approached Ms. Newkirk a few minutes later as she was speaking to another [person] in our group, who was emotionally telling her history of supporting PETA from the age of 12 until she came to realize their hurtful, embarrassing approaches to promoting animal rights. Ms. Newkirk, in short, responded with the idea that "these obese people are hurting their children," and spoke again about meat eating leading to fat bodies. As, I walked up, [being] clearly the chubbiest in the room, Ms. Newkirk looked me in the fucking eyes and said, "I'm not okay with the fat positive movement," and began to personally lecture me about obesity, heart disease, and the ills of eating meat and fast food. I told her that I'm a vegetarian with a healthy diet, which she glossed over as she said, glibly, "We love whales, and we love women - we'd just like to save them both." I told her I didn't need saving, and she again threw out some bogus information about how all fat people are more unhealthy than all thin people."

...and you wonder why the feminists are mad at PETA.

Post submitted by "No Picture."